Thursday, April 23, 2009

Charles Grodin Owns Hannity!

What a  great moment this was!  Charles Grodin was on Hannity's show last night (22 April 2009) and the subject of "enhanced interrogation" came up.  Grodin press Sean on the fact that he didn't think that waterboarding was torture, and asked Sean if he had ever been waterboarded.  Sean weakly, said "No, but Oliver North has, and I've talked to him about it."  Then he said that he would be willing to be waterboarded for charity!  

Now, let's put aside the fact that Oliver North is on my short list of people who deserve to be waterboarded (Google "Iran Contra Affair"), I would really like to see this happen, and would be glad to pitch in $10 to see it come to pass.  

Who's with me?  I think there is a petition website.  I think I'm going to find that now and see if I can't get this ball a-rolling!