Friday, June 5, 2009

Good God!!!

Naomi Wolf on Unreleased Photos

I am sickened at this.  I don't know if I remember some of these details - maybe I managed to shut them out because of how GOD-DAMNED sick they are.  But someone needs to go down for this shit.  I am sick to my stomach that this was done in our name.  I don't care if it brings down the whole fucking congress.  This needs to come out, and anyone who signed off on this needs to pay as high a penalty as we can place upon their spineless motherfucking souls.

They were sodomizing children!!! What the hell!!  

More later.... I have to gather my wits....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Torturing Democracy

Saw this the other night on PBS. Apparently it was a rebroadcast of a special they had ran about a year prior.  It was an expose of the evil that America has committed in its misguided War on Terror.
It is entitled "Torturing Democracy" and can be seen in its entirety here:

This stuff is not pretty, but I think it is necessary viewing for every American.  We should know what is being done in our name so that we might call for full investigations into these acts.
This is the only way that justice will ever return to our shores.
This is the only way that the rest of the world will ever respect us again.  This will take decades to heal, and will only happen if and when we can face what happened and do something to correct it.