Friday, August 21, 2009

Public Option - Please!!!!

Damn it!! The Democratic won large in the last election! Why can't they act as if they won! Why does the 'gang of six' get to decide what ends up in the final legislation! I am getting very pissed off at this whole thing. Obama needs to grow a pair! Act like he won this damn thing and give the people what they are clambering for and take the lumps that may come with that. Might it be a mistake? Sure. But what we are doing now is not working, so let's try something else.

The GOP will not agree on any substantive reform because the don't want ANY reform. They are completely satisfied with the status quo and aren't going to help the democrats enact any of their ideas. So the democrats need to show that they have a backbone and get to doing what we elected them to do. And NOW!!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Ad CNN Won't Air - Well One of Them

You probably already know that CNN has refused to air an ad that aims criticism at their own Lou Dobbs, but now they are refusing to air an ad that shines an unflattering light upon the insurance industry. Check it out below: